This Emerson quote is one of my favorites because it is hopeful. It allows that we fumbling, mistake-prone humans, while masters at creating absurdities in our lives, can move beyond them into serenity. That's certainly good news for me, since many days I am totally astounded by the absurd, in my own life and pretty much everywhere I look. Just reading my email and facebook page presents me with enough absurd fodder to sink a psyche, so I now look more for the little idiosyncratic items that point the way out of striving for perfection, to rise above the absurd. It's taken me most of my life to finally accept that I'm not going to get anywhere close to perfection -- and that's perfectly fine! I would much rather be happy than be right!
I have on my desk a quote that says, "I enter this day with a peaceful heart." I read it every day and strive to live it. Some days are easier than others in that regard, but what I realize more and more is that peace & serenity are choices we make, not unattainable states, only for the chosen few enlightened. No, peace is not only possible, it is essential. If we don't cultivate it in our own hearts, where on earth will we find it?
I have just begun reading a very special book. Normally, I would finish it before sharing anything of it on my blog post, but I have the sense of having found a true gem, a touchstone, an epic of inspiration -- and of course, that makes me want to share it with YOU right now (OK, patience is not one of my virtues)! The book is "Finding Your Way in a Wild New World: Reclaim Your True Nature to Create the Life You Want" by Martha Beck. If you are feeling in need of some navigational help in uncharted territory, this is the beacon shining in the darkness, or at least it is for me. I believe we each have a life purpose, a higher calling to fulfill, and it can be elusive because we are taught to stop listening to our heart, our inner wisdom, our wise, artistic, creative child within, and we lose the vision of infinite possibility that life can hold. We shelve our sense of adventure and exploration, exchanging it for the "norm" or what is expected of us by family and society. At least some of us do. Martha Beck is the antidote for this particular poison. See if she can assist you in reaffirming your own inner wisdom, unleashing your creativity and healing power, and reviving your faith in your own potential.