In his newest release, Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology: a How-to Guide for Personal-Empowerment Tools You Can Use Anywhere, Eldon Taylor literally gives you the tools and practical knowledge to create whatever changes your heart desires - the sky's the limit (well, actually your creativity and boldness in identifying your deepest goals and desires are your only limits!) Not only is this book a fascinating read, covering the science, myths, mysteries and history of hypnosis and subliminal communication--it also does exactly what the title promises: gives you the "how-to" recipe for personal empowerment. It unites the power of your creative imagination and the passion of your desire and puts them directly in your hands to manifest your desires. By making your own safe, proven effective, subliminal programs, along with the tool of self-hypnosis, you have access to your incredibly powerful subconscious mind. By removing the filters and barriers of your conscious, "'thinking" mind, you are empowered to make the changes you most desire in your life. How many books have you read that claimed to be life-transforming? This one actually is just that!
Using the included CD with six tracks of different techniques for hypnosis -- teaching the time-tested practice of pre-relaxation, inducing hypnosis, deepening hypnosis, using post-hypnotic cues, affirmations, visual imagery and self-suggestion, and coming back to full conscious awareness-- the book & CD provide everything you need to create your own custom, individually precise recordings using these amazing techniques to quite literally transform your life.
From the opening paragraph, author Eldon Taylor blends his 35 years' experience studying the mind, his obvious expertise and technical mastery of his subject with an engaging writing style and well-documented facts and case studies. With over 300 books and audio/video programs to his credit, and a range of career areas in psychology, criminology, forensics & subliminal technology, Eldon Taylor is uniquely qualified to share these dynamic, self-empowering tools for the layperson. Taylor's own enthusiasm and fascination with this subject make the book a truly absorbing experience, totally aside from the practical nature of the tools he offers the reader. He provides vivid examples, documented case studies, a historical perspective, a thorough appendix, science and research in clear, accessible language that allows the reader to grasp the power of the mind, to work for or against us. This book tips the balance to the positive side of the scale, and in so doing, is perhaps the best purchase anyone with dreams to fulfill or negative programming to overcome can possibly make. In my opinion, anyone with a pulse and a desire to make changes in his or her life can benefit mightily from this book and its self-empowering treasure.
FTC Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received the book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.