I watched with interest how different people reacted to the possibility of a storm: some were in defiant denial and did the least possible amount of preparation. Others went in the opposite direction, stocking up on supplies & food, topping off the gas tank and firing up the generator to test it, buying batteries & lanterns, putting up storm shutters, etc. Some even evacuated when it appeared that Isaac might come directly at the SW Florida coast. We were somewhere in the middle, having enough experience with hurricanes to know their highly unpredictable ways.
One can hardly miss the metaphor for dealing with the storms of life. We each have our unique set of life experiences and mental/emotional framework that we bring to any situation. With all the recent images of weather disasters swirling vividly in our memories (a definite downside of too much media), some fear and trepidation crept in, expressed in various ways. Comfort was sought through food & drink (Key West's way of coping), as is the normal human impluse. I'll bet chocolate sales were through the roof! Everyone has their own coping mechanisms :) The surfers were out taking advantage of the rare waves in the Gulf of Mexico. I love that someone is always finding good and something to enjoy, despite the storm. Some are complacent, some victims, some energized and aware, ready to reach out a helping hand, or take a risk for another's good. Kinda like life.
I found myself feeling a mix of emotions, but mostly a kind of energized thrill of anticipation of being in direct contact with the wild side of Mother Nature. I have a very healthy respect for the awesome power she wields in all her many aspects. But there is something in a storm that makes one feel incredibly alive to the roots of one's being -- feeling paradoxically prepared and uncertain at the same time -- it keeps you off balance, but juiced, if you know what I mean. I think that might be a good way to approach life in general -- hopeful, ready, engaged, and in awe. What do you think?